Why Myntra is changing its logo following a police complaint

Naaz Patel, An activist who is the founder of  Avesta foundation which is an NGO, Lodged a complaint against the Myntra logo in December 2020 To the Mumbai cyber police.

She alleged that the old Logo was ” Insulting and offensive” towards women. She alleged that the Myntra logo resembles a naked woman.

She demanded that the Myntra logo should be removed and officials should take some action against the company.


How is the logo offensive?

Taking to the quint, Naaz Patel Told that she noticed “Something was wrong” with the Myntra logo. It was a social gathering place.


“I was at a social gathering when I noticed two men started giggling after the Myntra advertisement was played on television. When I asked them about it, they refused to tell me why. But I asked a few men later and they pointed out that the logo was designed like a woman whose legs are spread open, She Said.


She told Even social media was having a conversation about the Myntra logo and then  wrote a letter to a company to change the logo But there was no response from the other end.


Why Myntra is changing its logo following a police complaint



“I spoke to many stakeholders regarding this. To activists and lawyers, but then people would always say they are a big company and will not respond to us. But I felt like someone should take it to Mumbai Police and so I did,” Patel further explained.


However, when asked if like beauty, vulgarity to lies in the eyes of the beholder, Patel said:


“I know people are Criticising me for noticing this and stating that I’m Trivialising this. But if not for me, someone else would have taken up this issue as there was enough social media chatter. I am not the first person to Realise that the logo was offensive,” she said.

However, she said she thinks that the Myntra logo was not “deliberate and intended”  to offend women.


Mumbai Police action and Myntra’s reply

Mumbai Police Cyber Crime department Sent an email to Myntra  Regarding the complaint to which Myntra replied that they will change their logo within a month.

They told that they will “revise” their logo On the Website, Application, and as well as on packing material and have already given orders regarding their new logo.



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