Data leaked for free: 53cr Facebook users, including 61 lakh Indians

‘Data leaked for free: 533 mn Fb users, including 6mn Indians’


Personal data of nearly 53cr Facebook users, including 61 lakh Indians remerged online after a hacker posted the details on a digital forum


Personal data of nearly 53cr Facebook users, including 61 lakh Indians remerged online after a hacker posted the details on a digital forum



Privacy Is A Myth, This is Again proved by the tech giant Facebook, Data of  533 million users is leaked by Tech Giant for free, which includes the data of 6 million Indians.

This 533 million population includes users from more than 100 countries.

This data is openly available on low hacking forums for free, according to sources.

The Data includes Names, Gender, Marital and Relationship Status, Occupation, date of joining, place of work, etc.


This is not the first time when Facebook has leaked the data of its users, Back in 2019

Data was leaked and initially, it was being sold on Telegram for just $20 per search.

But After some time Facebook said they had fixed the patch and the vulnerability that has caused the loss of the data. At that time, There was a leak of personal phone numbers.


Alon Gal, the Co-founder and chief technical officer of Hudson Rock, which is a cyber-security company. He was the first one to look into this matter and Once again he was the one who shared the details of leaked details of users. Which contained their personal info which is mentioned above and said that” if someone had a Facebook account, it was extremely likely that the said details had been leaked”.


Details of 5.5 lakh users from Afghanistan, 1.2 million from Australia, 3.8 million from Bang, 8 million from Brazil, and 6.1 million from India had been put at risk and are available on the internet And Tech Giant Facebook has still not responded to this serious matter of leaking of database For free.


The leaking of data is pretty common these days. In India, This is the second time within 10 days a huge amount of data has been leaked. This has been alleged that Earlier Last weak Data of 10Cr users of MobiWiki (Gurgaon-based mobile payments and digital wallet company) has been leaked and sold on the dark web.


India does not have a good law for user data protection and for data breaches. The Personal Data Protection Bill, which contains provisions dealing with the same has been pending in Lok Sabha since 2019.

A Committee was formed for this and their duty was to submit its report by march has demanded for extension of time till the first week of the monsoon parliamentary session.

We Hope the Indian Govt will come up with some laws soon so that our data will be protected.


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